If you haven't yet checked my wife's blog I suggest you do so. She breaks the news so much better than I do but anyway we are having a baby. I have noticed that so are many other people in the family right now, so I have decided to inform everyone on the Pregnancy Risk Line and other healthy pregnancy tips in this blog (eventhoug I don't claim to know much yet).
The Pregnancy Risk Line is an awesome phone number that you can call for questions about pregnancy and medications/chemicals. You can call and ask if you can take an OTC pain medication or if you can take the Ginko that you bought in the herbals section. It is an essential resource that we have here in the state of Utah.
Despite the name you can still call even after you give birth to ask breast feeding or lactation questions as well, so it is not just for pregnancy but for breast feeding mothers and babies as well.
You may wonder why we need a Pregnancy Risk Line because you have a good doctor that you trust. The reason is that your doctor can't be expected to know everything, not even the OB knows everything about drugs in pregnancy. The main reason for that is the FDA's fault not your doctor's. Overall I am very impressed with OB doctors' knowledge when it comes to pregnancy and drugs (especially my wife's, he is amazing). The problem is the FDA doesn't require any research to be reported on how drugs effect unborn babies or breastfeeding babies, and the information they do require is poor at best. I know it sounds unethical to require testing of medications of pregnant mothers but the truth is most companies have to do it to meet the FDA's requirements but the FDA doesn't force them to publish it but instead to translate it into a letter ranking (A,B,C,D,X).
Most of the testing that is performed is done on lab animals. Last I checked my wife was not giving birth to a Rat, Rabbit, or Hamster so I don't care what a drug does to those animals I want to know what they could possibly do to my daughter! I would guess most of you feel the same. So if you have a question about a drug call your doctor, pharmacist or the pregnancy risk line. If you have a good doctor/pharmacist they will refer you to the pregnancy risk line if they are unsure on the answer or if the data they have are lack luster.
The number is 1.800.822.BABY (2229) for anywhere in the state or 801-328-2229 for the Salt Lake Area only. They are very helpful and know their stuff. If the don't have an answer they will find if for you or direct you to where it can be found.
Second to last I will give a few easy tips for pregnancy: NO decongestants (Sudafed, Sudafed PE, etc.), they can raise your's and baby's heart rate. NO pain medications except Tylenol or something your doctor has prescribed, after your baby take his/her first breath their heart enters into the final stage of development and certain pain medications can cause this development to happen while still in the womb and your baby's heart will stop. NO herbal that you haven't discussed with a heath care provider, they are just as likely to cause a bad reaction as any other medication. NO making these decisions on your own, believe it or not the health care professionals that take care of you do care about what happens to you and your baby. Call them and ask questions, they won't be annoyed. I am still surprised how often I call a doctor to ask a question and they don't even need to pull the patients chart to remember who I am talking about, they do remember you and want you to have a sucessful pregnancy.
Last thing. I include my self I what I have said above. I am just a pharmacy student right now but if you are too embarassed to call someone else then call me, I will find you the answer. I promise that it is better than taking the risk of putting something in your body that could harm your child.
The BIG 11
15 years ago